Last seen: The New York Times, 25 Dec 2024
Showing 150 Matching Answers
- 100% KART 4 Letters
- 100% GETTER 6 Letters
- 100% CART 4 Letters
- 100% KARTS 5 Letters
- 100% TOS 3 Letters
- 100% ENERGY 6 Letters
- 100% LEAVE 5 Letters
- 100% TRAVEL 6 Letters
- 100% TURN 4 Letters
- 100% VIRAL 5 Letters
- 95% ORAMA 5 Letters
- 92% WADDLE 6 Letters
- 89% ABSTAIN 7 Letters
- 89% ACCELERATE 10 Letters
- 89% ADDLE 5 Letters
- 89% ADVANCE 7 Letters
- 89% AGENT 5 Letters
- 89% ANTECEDE 8 Letters
- 89% APPROVAL 8 Letters
- 89% ASCEND 6 Letters
- 89% ATTEND 6 Letters
- 89% BATHE 5 Letters
- 89% BEATIT 6 Letters
- 89% BEMYGUEST 9 Letters
- 89% BLANCH 6 Letters
- 89% BUCK 4 Letters
- 89% BUZZOFF 7 Letters
- 89% BYPASS 6 Letters
- 89% CIRCLE 6 Letters
- 89% CLEAROFF 8 Letters
- 89% CLIMB 5 Letters
- 89% CONGA 5 Letters
- 89% CRAWL 5 Letters
- 89% CURDLE 6 Letters
- 89% DASH 4 Letters
- 89% DECAY 5 Letters
- 89% DEPART 6 Letters
- 89% DESCEND 7 Letters
- 89% DIE 3 Letters
- 89% DISAPPEAR 9 Letters
- 89% DISEMBARK 9 Letters
- 89% DROOP 5 Letters
- 89% DYNAMIC 7 Letters
- 89% ELAPSE 6 Letters
- 89% EMBARK 6 Letters
- 89% EMISSARY 8 Letters
- 89% ENTER 5 Letters
- 89% ENTERPRISING 12 Letters
- 89% ERR 3 Letters
- 89% EXCEED 6 Letters
- 89% EXIT 4 Letters
- 89% EXPLODE 7 Letters
- 89% FAIL 4 Letters
- 89% FLIPONESLID 11 Letters
- 89% FOLLOW 6 Letters
- 89% GETUP 5 Letters
- 89% GREEN 5 Letters
- 89% GROUND 6 Letters
- 89% HIKE 4 Letters
- 89% HOPIT 5 Letters
- 89% INTERMEDIARY 12 Letters
- 89% LAND 4 Letters
- 89% LIAISON 7 Letters
- 89% MALFUNCTION 11 Letters
- 89% MATCH 5 Letters
- 89% MEDIATOR 8 Letters
- 89% OCCUR 5 Letters
- 89% ORBIT 5 Letters
- 89% OVERTAKE 8 Letters
- 89% PASS 4 Letters
- 89% PENETRATE 9 Letters
- 89% PERISH 6 Letters
- 89% PRECEDE 7 Letters
- 89% PROCEED 7 Letters
- 89% PURSUE 6 Letters
- 89% PUSSYFOOT 9 Letters
- 89% RECEDE 6 Letters
- 89% REFORM 6 Letters
- 89% REGRESS 7 Letters
- 89% RELEASE 7 Letters
- 89% RENEGE 6 Letters
- 89% REPAIR 6 Letters
- 89% RETURN 6 Letters
- 89% REVERSE 7 Letters
- 89% REVOLVE 7 Letters
- 89% RIDETOHOUNDS 12 Letters
- 89% ROCKET 6 Letters
- 89% ROT 3 Letters
- 89% ROTATE 6 Letters
- 89% RUNAMOK 7 Letters
- 89% RUNRIOT 7 Letters
- 89% SCAT 4 Letters
- 89% SCRAM 5 Letters
- 89% SHOO 4 Letters
- 89% SHOT 4 Letters
- 89% SINK 4 Letters
- 89% SKEDADDLE 9 Letters
- 89% SKI 3 Letters
- 89% SLIDE 5 Letters
- 89% SLINGONESHOOK 13 Letters
- 89% SLINGYOURHOOK 13 Letters
- 89% SPEEDUP 7 Letters
- 89% STAB 4 Letters
- 89% STARVE 6 Letters
- 89% STAY 4 Letters
- 89% STEPONIT 8 Letters
- 89% TIPTOE 6 Letters
- 89% UNLEASH 7 Letters
- 89% UNLOOSE 7 Letters
- 89% VAMOOSE 7 Letters
- 87% GREENPEPPER 11 Letters
- 87% TURNIN 6 Letters
- 83% GANGOFFOUR 10 Letters
- 83% PUSHTHE 7 Letters
- 83% SODSLAW 7 Letters
- 83% WAKEMEUP 8 Letters
- 80% ACCOMPANY 9 Letters
- 80% ACQUIESCE 9 Letters
- 80% ACTIVE 6 Letters
- 80% ADLIB 5 Letters
- 80% AGREE 5 Letters
- 80% ALLSET 6 Letters
- 80% ATASTROKE 9 Letters
- 80% BATS 4 Letters
- 80% BRIDGE 6 Letters
- 80% CARE 4 Letters
- 80% CAREFREE 8 Letters
- 80% CAROUSEL 8 Letters
- 80% CONGEAL 7 Letters
- 80% CRUMPLE 7 Letters
- 80% DART 4 Letters
- 80% DIGRESS 7 Letters
- 80% DISINTEGRATE 12 Letters
- 80% DISSOLVE 8 Letters
- 80% DIVERGE 7 Letters
- 80% DOONESLEVELBEST 15 Letters
- 80% DOWNIN 6 Letters
- 80% DRIVE 5 Letters
- 80% DROP 4 Letters
- 80% EAGER 5 Letters
- 80% EATOUT 6 Letters
- 80% EXCRETE 7 Letters
- 80% FAST 4 Letters
- 80% FAVOUR 6 Letters
- 80% FETCH 5 Letters
- 80% FLIP 4 Letters
- 80% FOCUSGROUP 10 Letters
- 80% GEEUP 5 Letters
- 80% GETACROSS 9 Letters
- 80% GETAWAY 7 Letters
NYT - December 25,
2024 Crossword Clues
2024 Crossword Clues
- Franken and Sharpton Crossword Clue
- Like many college dorms Crossword Clue
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- State school near the Allegheny River, familiarly Crossword Clue
- Chump Crossword Clue
- Kuwaiti leader Crossword Clue
- Destination for the Taj Express Crossword Clue
- Upper atmosphere Crossword Clue
- Atmosphere in the room Crossword Clue
- Bud Crossword Clue
- Ding-dongs Crossword Clue
- "___ anges dans nos campagnes" (French carol) Crossword Clue
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- Format for an English final, maybe Crossword Clue
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- ___ Blanc Crossword Clue
- Best in a hot dog competition Crossword Clue
- Outfits Crossword Clue
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- Large waterfalls Crossword Clue
- Unidentified person, in slang Crossword Clue
- Ox's stablemate in a traditional Nativity scene Crossword Clue
- Skate park jump Crossword Clue
- OLED alternative Crossword Clue
- Insect with a single ear found on its chest Crossword Clue
- Watch over Crossword Clue
- Hungarian violinist Leopold Crossword Clue
- Base boss, informally Crossword Clue
- "Every cloud ___ silver lining" Crossword Clue
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- Votes for Crossword Clue
- Pairs of jolly bells? Crossword Clue
- Navajo neighbors Crossword Clue
- What might be strung from the item hidden in this puzzle Crossword Clue
- Walks with confidence Crossword Clue
- Prepare, as a watermelon Crossword Clue
- Holiday carol … or a literal hint to what can be drawn by connecting nine letters when this puzzle is finished Crossword Clue
- Just manage, as a win Crossword Clue
- Mend, as a stocking Crossword Clue
- Cleric's title: Abbr Crossword Clue
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- Region near the North Pole Crossword Clue
- What might be set under the item hidden in this puzzle Crossword Clue
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- School yr. part Crossword Clue
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- Red nose during wintertime, maybe? Crossword Clue
- Like fresh paint Crossword Clue
- Singer Rita Crossword Clue
- What might be draped from the item hidden in this puzzle Crossword Clue
- One seeking refuge from a dangerous situation Crossword Clue
- Some two-seaters Crossword Clue
- Euro competitor, for short Crossword Clue
- Handle things? Crossword Clue
- Tweety Bird, e.g Crossword Clue
- Even if, casually Crossword Clue
- Rend Crossword Clue
- What might be hung from the item hidden in this puzzle Crossword Clue
- Civics, for example Crossword Clue
- Where most of the world's rice and tea is grown Crossword Clue
- Word repeated in the lyric "Do you ___ what I ___?" Crossword Clue
- King of France Crossword Clue