10 Letter Words Containing R and Ending in ONS

10 letter words with R that end in ONS are fantastic for landing those big winning plays in your favorite word games, whether it's Words With Friends® or Scrabble®. Unleash those double or triple word scores by playing valuable words with R and words that end in ONS.

143 Words With Friends® words


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10 Letter Word List

rejections 23
excursions 22
gyrfalcons 22
reflexions 22
rockmelons 22
bombardons 21
excretions 21
misreckons 21
pickaroons 21
cyclotrons 20
gerfalcons 20
persimmons 20
synkaryons 20
extrusions 19
percherons 19
vermilions 19
abruptions 18
accordions 18
carbanions 18
encrimsons 18
exsertions 18
extortions 18
furcations 18
habergeons 18
obversions 18
perfusions 18
pervasions 18
previsions 18
privations 18
profusions 18
provisions 18
supermoons 18
truncheons 18
vibrations 18
accretions 17
apportions 17
barpersons 17
barracoons 17
caparisons 17
cremations 17
formations 17
immersions 17
laypersons 17
magnetrons 17
precisions 17
proactions 17
probations 17
promotions 17
purgations 17
receptions 17
refections 17
reveillons 17
revulsions 17
subregions 17
bioregions 16
centurions 16
diversions 16
ecoregions 16
hydrations 16
incursions 16
inversions 16
mellotrons 16
migrations 16
nervations 16
nonpersons 16
olecranons 16
orpharions 16
parathions 16
prelusions 16
prolusions 16
rebellions 16
reclusions 16
reductions 16
refashions 16
repulsions 16
vernations 16
afternoons 15
carnations 15
crenations 15
directions 15
eirenicons 15
entropions 15
irruptions 15
librations 15
mousserons 15
obtrusions 15
perditions 15
predations 15
prenotions 15
pronations 15
recensions 15
recursions 15
redactions 15
reflations 15
relictions 15
repletions 15
reversions 15
thyratrons 15
variations 15
aspersions 14

Showing 1-100 of 143 words

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Popular 10 letter word lists containing R and ending in ONS

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