11 Letter Words Starting with L and Ending in Y
11 letter words that start with L and end in Y are exactly what you need whether you're working on a crossword puzzle or challenging your friends in a rousing game of Scrabble® or Words With Friends®. That's where our powerful word finder comes into play. You may also want to check out 11 letter words that start with L or 11 letter words that end in Y.
39 Words With Friends® words
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11 Letter Word List
luxuriantly | 25 | |
luxuriously | 25 | |
lycanthropy | 25 | |
laminectomy | 24 | |
lickerishly | 24 | |
laconically | 23 | |
laparoscopy | 23 | |
lichenology | 23 | |
lithography | 23 | |
lubricously | 23 | |
lucratively | 23 | |
laryngology | 22 | |
laryngotomy | 22 | |
lightsomely | 22 | |
likeability | 22 | |
liveability | 22 | |
lognormally | 22 | |
loveability | 22 | |
lecherously | 21 | |
libellously | 21 | |
libidinally | 21 | |
lingeringly | 21 | |
lingonberry | 21 | |
longanimity | 21 | |
ludicrously | 21 | |
lacrimatory | 20 | |
lamellately | 20 | |
larcenously | 20 | |
laudability | 20 | |
lieutenancy | 20 | |
ligamentary | 20 | |
loathsomely | 20 | |
laboriously | 19 | |
legendarily | 19 | |
limitlessly | 19 | |
lithotripsy | 19 | |
locutionary | 19 | |
libationary | 18 | |
litigiously | 18 |
Showing 39 of 39 words