11 Letter Words Containing R and Ending in NT

11 letter words with R that end in NT are fantastic for landing those big winning plays in your favorite word games, whether it's Words With Friends® or Scrabble®. Unleash those double or triple word scores by playing valuable words with R and words that end in NT.

165 Words With Friends® words


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11 Letter Word List

prejudgment 31
acquirement 28
approximant 28
reequipment 28
superjacent 28
adjournment 27
recognizant 27
equilibrant 26
bombardment 25
expectorant 25
extravagant 25
improvement 25
requirement 25
compartment 24
comportment 24
embracement 24
empowerment 24
overpayment 24
concernment 23
cryptobiont 23
depravement 23
divorcement 23
improvident 23
pulverulent 23
reviviscent 23
tracklement 23
bereavement 22
clairvoyant 22
concrescent 22
conflagrant 22
deforcement 22
embroilment 22
enforcement 22
enframement 22
imperilment 22
impermanent 22
predicament 22
preexistent 22
procurement 22
recombinant 22
replacement 22
rubefacient 22
abridgement 21
acharnement 21
corecipient 21
engraftment 21
environment 21
fingerpaint 21
fingerprint 21
glabrescent 21
impressment 21
ingraftment 21
overgarment 21
overviolent 21
participant 21
precipitant 21
regroupment 21
temperament 21
unobservant 21
appurtenant 20
betrothment 20
colourpoint 20
controlment 20
curtailment 20
debridement 20
discernment 20
engorgement 20
fluorescent 20
garnishment 20
incongruent 20
indifferent 20
inobservant 20
maidservant 20
matriculant 20
nonargument 20
nonpregnant 20
pluripotent 20
predominant 20
preemergent 20
refoulement 20
refreshment 20
rescindment 20
silverpoint 20
subservient 20
traducement 20
unabsorbent 20
unimportant 20
viridescent 20
battlefront 19
belligerent 19
copresident 19
curettement 19
derangement 19
disarmament 19
disportment 19
enlargement 19
enthralment 19
grandparent 19
impertinent 19
measurement 19

Showing 1-100 of 165 words

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Popular 11 letter word lists containing R and ending in NT

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