11 Letter Words Containing R and Ending in ONS

11 letter words with R that end in ONS are fantastic for landing those big winning plays in your favorite word games, whether it's Words With Friends® or Scrabble®. Unleash those double or triple word scores by playing valuable words with R and words that end in ONS.

201 Words With Friends® words


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11 Letter Word List

projections 27
abjurations 25
excerptions 25
quercitrons 25
surjections 25
hexahedrons 24
trajections 24
zwitterions 24
adjurations 23
curmudgeons 23
quaternions 23
execrations 22
expirations 22
expressions 22
extractions 22
hyperbatons 22
periphytons 22
archdeacons 21
comparisons 21
decryptions 21
encryptions 21
halocarbons 21
perceptions 21
perceptrons 21
perfections 21
polyhedrons 21
preemptions 21
vermillions 21
chirurgeons 20
conversions 20
preclusions 20
preventions 20
productions 20
propulsions 20
relaxations 20
subversions 20
concretions 19
corruptions 19
decahedrons 19
infarctions 19
infractions 19
newspersons 19
overactions 19
percussions 19
perversions 19
precautions 19
predictions 19
prelections 19
redemptions 19
reflections 19
resumptions 19
revocations 19
snapdragons 19
submersions 19
subreptions 19
watermelons 19
abreactions 18
absorptions 18
antibaryons 18
apparitions 18
ascriptions 18
charlestons 18
corrections 18
figurations 18
forepersons 18
impressions 18
macerations 18
misprisions 18
octahedrons 18
oppressions 18
perihelions 18
permeations 18
permissions 18
precessions 18
prehensions 18
preportions 18
processions 18
professions 18
proportions 18
protections 18
pultrusions 18
refractions 18
revolutions 18
tourbillons 18
waitpersons 18
abrogations 17
counterions 17
depurations 17
derivations 17
dimetrodons 17
disruptions 17
emigrations 17
enervations 17
morulations 17
motoneurons 17
numerations 17
pteranodons 17
redivisions 17
reinvasions 17
renovations 17

Showing 1-100 of 201 words

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Popular 11 letter word lists containing R and ending in ONS

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