4 Letter Words Containing R and Ending in E

4 letter words with R that end in E are fantastic for landing those big winning plays in your favorite word games, whether it's Words With Friends® or Scrabble®. Unleash those double or triple word scores by playing valuable words with R and words that end in E.

111 Words With Friends® words


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4 Letter Word List

jure 14
raze 13
ryke 10
byre 9
pyre 9
cure 8
gyre 8
kore 8
mure 8
pure 8
rake 8
rave 8
rive 8
rove 8
rube 8
urbe 8
acre 7
bare 7
bore 7
brae 7
bree 7
brie 7
care 7
cere 7
cire 7
core 7
fare 7
fere 7
fire 7
fore 7
frae 7
free 7
froe 7
grue 7
lyre 7
mare 7
mere 7
mire 7
more 7
orfe 7
pare 7
pere 7
pore 7
pree 7
race 7
rice 7
rife 7
rime 7
ripe 7
robe 7
rope 7
urge 7
ware 7
were 7
wire 7
wore 7
dure 6
eyre 6
gore 6
gree 6
hare 6
here 6
hire 6
lure 6
ogre 6
rage 6
rude 6
rule 6
rune 6
tyre 6
yare 6
yore 6
dare 5
dere 5
dire 5
dore 5
dree 5
erne 5
lire 5
lore 5
orle 5
rale 5
rede 5
ride 5
rile 5
rode 5
role 5
rone 5
roue 5
ruse 5
sure 5
true 5
arre 4
arse 4
etre 4
irie 4
rare 4
rase 4
rate 4
rete 4

Showing 1-100 of 111 words

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Popular 4 letter word lists containing R and ending in E

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