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5 Letter Words Containing ATE

Five letter words with ATE are useful when you want to solve Wordle every day. A comprehensive list of 5 letter words containing ATE can help you find top scoring words in Scrabble® and Words With Friends® too. Check the definitions and save your favorite words! For more options, check out 5 letter words that start with ATE and 5 letter words that end in ATE.

62 Words With Friends® words


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5 Letter Word List

quate 15
latex 13
matey 10
bated 9
blate 9
fated 9
mated 9
ovate 9
pated 9
paten 9
plate 9
skate 9
abate 8
bates 8
cater 8
cates 8
crate 8
fates 8
gated 8
hated 8
mater 8
mates 8
patee 8
pater 8
pates 8
prate 8
satem 8
spate 8
water 8
agate 7
dated 7
gates 7
grate 7
hater 7
hates 7
lated 7
laten 7
alate 6
dater 6
dates 6
eaten 6
elate 6
enate 6
later 6
lates 6
nates 6
oaten 6
rated 6
ratel 6
sated 6
slate 6
urate 6
eater 5
irate 5
oater 5
orate 5
rater 5
rates 5
sates 5
state 5
tater 5
tates 5

Showing 62 of 62 words

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