8 Letter Words Containing CR and Ending in E

8 letter words with CR that end in E are fantastic for landing those big winning plays in your favorite word games, whether it's Words With Friends® or Scrabble®. Unleash those double or triple word scores by playing valuable words with CR and words that end in E.

65 Words With Friends® words


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8 Letter Word List

crabcake 21
creolize 21
critique 21
crablike 19
cribbage 19
crucible 19
exocrine 19
scrumple 19
crescive 18
execrate 18
scrabble 18
scramble 18
scrapple 18
scribble 18
crabwise 17
crevalle 17
crewmate 17
credence 16
credible 16
creepage 16
croupade 16
noncrime 16
amacrine 15
apocrine 15
calcrete 15
concrete 15
crannoge 15
creative 15
crevasse 15
crevette 15
croceine 15
cruciate 15
describe 15
inscribe 15
mediocre 15
scrounge 15
acrosome 14
acrylate 14
cocreate 14
crenelle 14
creperie 14
crispate 14
crocoite 14
cryolite 14
massacre 14
wiseacre 14
acridine 13
cretonne 13
uncrease 13
uncreate 13
craniate 12
creatine 12
creature 12
creolise 12
crustose 12
decrease 12
discrete 12
idocrase 12
increase 12
increate 12
lacrosse 12
creosote 11
cristate 11
crosstie 11
recreate 11

Showing 65 of 65 words

Popular 8 letter word lists containing CR and ending in E

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