8 Letter Words Containing S and Ending in IC

8 letter words with S that end in IC are fantastic for landing those big winning plays in your favorite word games, whether it's Words With Friends® or Scrabble®. Unleash those double or triple word scores by playing valuable words with S and words that end in IC.

174 Words With Friends® words


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8 Letter Word List

isozymic 25
majestic 23
sphygmic 23
dyslexic 22
subpubic 22
jesuitic 21
juristic 21
stanzaic 21
slivovic 20
specific 20
symbolic 20
syncopic 20
biphasic 19
chiasmic 19
doxastic 19
ischemic 19
oxidasic 19
sachemic 19
salvific 19
succinic 19
syngamic 19
syphonic 19
balsamic 18
cubistic 18
dyspneic 18
dyspnoic 18
glucosic 18
kismetic 18
phthisic 18
saccadic 18
sibyllic 18
somnific 18
spagyric 18
suboptic 18
subtopic 18
syllabic 18
sylvatic 18
abscisic 17
ascorbic 17
cosmetic 17
cresylic 17
diphasic 17
dysgenic 17
magnesic 17
marasmic 17
mesmeric 17
nonmusic 17
papistic 17
pashalic 17
sabbatic 17
sapremic 17
saprobic 17
scotopic 17
shamanic 17
siphonic 17
subtunic 17
sulfonic 17
sulfuric 17
synaptic 17
synectic 17
synoptic 17
aspheric 16
banausic 16
chiastic 16
isotypic 16
lysergic 16
myristic 16
nonbasic 16
orgasmic 16
podsolic 16
seraphic 16
spondaic 16
strophic 16
subsonic 16
subtonic 16
sulfitic 16
synergic 16
systemic 16
tsunamic 16
acoustic 15
amnestic 15
aplastic 15
autopsic 15
basaltic 15
caesuric 15
despotic 15
diabasic 15
dicastic 15
domestic 15
dynastic 15
dystonic 15
episodic 15
felsitic 15
forensic 15
hysteric 15
isagogic 15
isonomic 15
monastic 15
monistic 15
nomistic 15

Showing 1-100 of 174 words

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Popular 8 letter word lists containing S and ending in IC

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