8 Letter Words Containing Y and Ending in IC

8 letter words with Y that end in IC are fantastic for landing those big winning plays in your favorite word games, whether it's Words With Friends® or Scrabble®. Unleash those double or triple word scores by playing valuable words with Y and words that end in IC.

100 Words With Friends® words


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8 Letter Word List

benzylic 27
polyzoic 26
hylozoic 25
isozymic 25
bicyclic 23
oxygenic 23
oxytocic 23
sphygmic 23
dyslexic 22
empyemic 22
glycemic 22
kyphotic 22
cyclonic 21
dicyclic 21
encyclic 21
molybdic 21
pyknotic 21
caprylic 20
eponymic 20
glycolic 20
glyconic 20
ichthyic 20
phenylic 20
propylic 20
pycnotic 20
rhythmic 20
symbolic 20
syncopic 20
tympanic 20
biotypic 19
dyarchic 19
ecotypic 19
glyceric 19
hydropic 19
hypnotic 19
methylic 19
myogenic 19
myologic 19
phyletic 19
phytonic 19
pyogenic 19
pythonic 19
syngamic 19
syphonic 19
typhonic 19
adynamic 18
arythmic 18
dactylic 18
dyspneic 18
dyspnoic 18
hygienic 18
kyanitic 18
myelinic 18
oophytic 18
polyadic 18
polyenic 18
polyuric 18
sibyllic 18
spagyric 18
syllabic 18
sylvatic 18
acetylic 17
antipyic 17
baryonic 17
biolytic 17
cresylic 17
cyanitic 17
cyanotic 17
dihydric 17
dysgenic 17
hydronic 17
myotonic 17
pyelitic 17
pyrrolic 17
synaptic 17
synectic 17
synoptic 17
adenylic 16
anodynic 16
apyretic 16
caryatic 16
isotypic 16
lysergic 16
myristic 16
synergic 16
systemic 16
uranylic 16
ytterbic 16
analytic 15
dialytic 15
dynastic 15
dystonic 15
hysteric 15
syndetic 15
syntenic 15
syntonic 15
tyrannic 15
stylitic 14
syenitic 14
systolic 14

Showing 100 of 100 words

Popular 8 letter word lists containing Y and ending in IC

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