9 Letter Words Containing R and Ending in LE

9 letter words with R that end in LE are fantastic for landing those big winning plays in your favorite word games, whether it's Words With Friends® or Scrabble®. Unleash those double or triple word scores by playing valuable words with R and words that end in LE.

223 Words With Friends® words


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9 Letter Word List

carbazole 25
exercycle 25
freezable 25
quadruple 25
grazeable 24
kerfuffle 24
parbuckle 24
execrable 23
crabapple 22
quadrille 22
uncrumple 22
xerophile 22
aquarelle 21
carbuncle 21
frankable 21
micropyle 21
pericycle 21
revivable 21
revokable 21
accruable 20
breakable 20
corpuscle 20
coverable 20
crepuscle 20
droppable 20
favorable 20
hyperbole 20
previable 20
principle 20
removable 20
revocable 20
vaporable 20
worktable 20
browsable 19
chronicle 19
coercible 19
crushable 19
drinkable 19
embrangle 19
forceable 19
frameable 19
frangible 19
groupable 19
memorable 19
micromole 19
permeable 19
pregnable 19
probeable 19
propagule 19
recompile 19
repmobile 19
reshuffle 19
rocambole 19
screwable 19
tetrazole 19
bargepole 18
bedraggle 18
chondrule 18
derivable 18
driveable 18
extrusile 18
forgeable 18
graspable 18
hydrocele 18
incurable 18
merveille 18
numerable 18
porbeagle 18
pursuable 18
reachable 18
reducible 18
repayable 18
sprayable 18
throwable 18
transaxle 18
venerable 18
ventricle 18
abradable 17
admirable 17
avertable 17
awardable 17
birdtable 17
clearable 17
clearcole 17
colorable 17
corbeille 17
crocodile 17
draftable 17
drapeable 17
eruptible 17
eversible 17
exsertile 17
filtrable 17
glomerule 17
grayscale 17
greyscale 17
inferable 17
mirabelle 17
overscale 17
printable 17

Showing 1-100 of 223 words

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Popular 9 letter word lists containing R and ending in LE

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