abridgment is playable for 20 points
breaming gamebird bearding breading debating dreaming margined midrange berating emigrant migrated rebating remating tabering
derating gradient redating treading
beaming dimebag
birdman birdmen gambier megabit ambient barding beading brigand dingbat abridge bearing beating brigade dirtbag garment germina
mangier margent marting metring migrant mintage reaming teaming tegmina terming antbird bandier
bartend brained inarmed
mediant migrate
bagmen badmen bedamn begrim
bigram bregma gambir
gambit banged barmen batmen binged minbar arming badger banger barged baring barmie
bating begird binger bridge degami
engram enigma gamine garbed german graben grimed imaged magnet manger margin
gambe bedim imbed maneb amber ambit badge begad began begin being benga binge bream bring debag embar gamed gamin gibed mange mbira midge minge admen admin amend baned barge begat brand denim gamer giber grime
gamb bang barm beam bema berm bima
bing brim iamb mabe
band bend berg biga bind brag brig damn game garb germ gibe grab gram grim mage magi marg mega mend mind abed amen amid
bam mib bag beg big gab gam gem gib mag meg mig bad ban bed ben bid bin dab dam deb dib dim mad man med men mid nab nam neb nem
nib nim aim
ab am ba be bi em ma me mi ag gi ad an da de ed en id in na ne ae ai ar at er et it re ta te ti
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