absorbent is playable for 16 points
Unscramble ABSORBENT
nabbers barbets rabbets stabber banters barnets
baronet bartons boranes reboant sorbent boaster boaters borates rebatos sorbate atoners santero senator treason
nabber nabobs abbots absorb barbes
barbet rabbet rebabs sobber absent banter barnet barons barton batons beanos bentos
boners borane branes brants brents aborts barest baster boarts boater borate breast broast
rebato sorbet strobe tabers
nabob abbes abbot babes barbe
barbs boabs
rebab banes barns baron baton beano beans bento bents beton
boner bones borne brane brans brant brens brent ebons nabes
abets abort bares baser baste bates bears
abbe babe barb boab
boba bobs ebbs bane bans barn bean bens bent bona bone born bran bren ebon nabe nabs nebs nobs snob abet arbs
bare bars base bast bate bato
bats bear beat
bob ebb ban ben bon nab neb nob abs arb bae bar bas bat bet boa bos bot bra bro oba obe orb reb rob sab sob tab ane ant ens eon ern nae net
ab ba be bo an en na ne no on ae ar as at eo er es et oe or os re so ta te to
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