amylopectin is playable for 24 points
copayment impotency lipectomy complaint compliant policeman polyamine melanotic
eponymic polymict
tympanic complain compline manciple compleat mycelian
palimony pentomic
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campily company olympic complin pyaemic campion compile oilcamp
pemican pliancy polemic apomict aptonym ectypal emptily maypole metopic mycelia patency payment potamic potency tympani tympano typical capelin cnemial coalmen impanel implant lampion limacon malonic maniple melanic
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compt cymol
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ample camel capon celom claim clapt clept clime clipt comal
copal copen
impel limpa
camp comp copy cyma cyme mopy pacy pyic
yomp calm capn
clam clap clip clop lamp limp palm acme acyl amyl came cami camo cape capo clay cloy coly coma come cony cope cyan elmy
amp cam cap cep cop imp mac map mic moc mop pac pam pec pic ply pom cay coy icy may pay pya pye yam yap yep yip yom alp can cel col con elm
my am em ma me mi mo om op pa pe pi po ay oy ya ye yi yo al an el en in la li lo na ne no on ae ai at eo
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