andouillette is playable for 17 points
andouille linoleate toenailed etiolated
unallied untilled linteled
luteolin nielloed
outlined unletted
untilted untitled allotted altitude dateline delation deletion dialtone
entailed entitled entoiled latitude lineated oeillade talented tautened tenaille totalled allottee antidote detonate outeaten tetanoid toileted tonalite etiolate
aliunde diluent lunated oldline
outland uillean
unideal unoiled aliened alunite attuned audient delaine detinue eloined
elution landtie
lenited lentoid lineout
lunette nettled nutated
outlaid outlain outline outtell tailend
tallied taloned taunted toluene toluide dentate
nulled allude aludel duelli
duello illude indult louden lunted
nodule unlade unlaid unlead unload untold alined allied aneled audile dalton denial dental dentil detenu
detune dilute dolina
doline dunite eluant eluent eluted indole ladino
unled adult aldol allod aloud daunt donut doula dulia eland elude endue indol indue laden ladle laned laude
lined llano loden lunet luted naled nidal nodal nolle
nudie olden tendu tulle tuned ulnae
dull null auld dell dill doll dual duel dune dunt land laud lend leud loud lude ludo luna lune lunt nill nude udal udon ulan ulna unde
undo anil aunt dale daut deal dean deil
dun lud
und all and dal dan del den din dol don due dui duo eld ell end ill lad led leu lid lin ned nil nod nut old oud tun uan
udo ult uni
nu un ad al an da de do ed el en id in la li lo na ne no od on ou ut ae ai at ee eo et io it oe oi ta te
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