androcentric is playable for 21 points
anecdotic accretion anorectic incorrect contained noncredit ordinance container coriander crenation redaction
accident cancroid corniced draconic occident accentor accorder accredit acentric acetonic coarcted
codirect concerti cratonic narcotic necrotic cantoned crannied incanted ordnance actioned cartoned
catenoid centroid dicentra doctrine enaction notecard rancored
tornadic actioner anoretic
ceratoid creation
canonic concent concern connect acronic
cactoid centric coacted cocaine coenact
conacre conceit concert cornice crocein crocine
docetic oceanic octadic acrotic candent cerotic contend correct nonacid orectic actinon ancient cairned cannier codeina
connate contain ctenoid deontic
accent accord cancer cantic
cocain decoct acetic arctic canned cicero coarct conned cretic ocicat ricrac
acnode ancien
ancone anodic cadent candor canine canner cannie
cannot canoed canted canton cedarn cinder codein
coined conine conner corned
codec conic cacti cerci ceric ceroc
circa coact craic croci acned ancon cando
caned canid canon cnida coden
coned conin
dance decan nance nicad nonce acorn acred acrid acted actin antic arced cadet cadre caird
ceca coca croc conn aced acid acne cade cadi caid cain cane cant card carn cedi cent cine cion coda code coed coin cone coni
cord corn cran cred cron
dace deco dice ecad
cad can cod con doc ace act arc car cat cor cot eco ice oca orc rec roc tic and dan den din don end inn nan ned nod non ado aid ain ane ani
ad an da de do ed en id in na ne no od on ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe oi or re ta te ti to
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