anesthetic is playable for 16 points
asthenic chanties echinate enthetic etchants sithence teachins
esthetic tachiste
teachest techiest cineaste entastic nictates tetanics
hesitant athetise
hesitate anisette tetanies tetanise
achenes chaines chasten enchase etchant ethnics shitcan
sthenic teachin
tenches achiest aitches cattish escheat tachist
teaches techies thecate titches acetins
cetanes cineast entices nictate tenaces tetanic casette
ethanes sheitan
statice sthenia theines
atheist staithe
achene canthi chaine chains chants chinas chines
encash ethnic hances inches naches niches snatch snitch stanch stench thence chaise chaste cheats etches ethics itches sachet scathe seiche stitch taches tachis
techie thecae thetic tiches
chain chant china chine chins hance hence natch niche tench aches aitch chase chats cheat chest chias
chits ecash
eches ethic stich tache tachi
tachs teach techs theca titch acnes actin antic cains
canes canst
chin inch nach
ache cash chai chat chia chis chit each eche echt etch ichs itch sich tach tech tich acne cain cane cans cant cent cine inca nice scan aces acts asci case cast
ach cha chi hac hic ich tch can ace act cat cee cis hen hin ice nah nth sac sec sic tic ahi ahs ash eth hae hai has hat hes
het hie his hit
ah eh ha he hi sh an en in na ne ae ai as at ee es et is it si ta te ti
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