apomorphine is playable for 23 points
hornpipe morphine neomorph epiphora pomarine
pompano propman propmen
pampero pompier happier hoppier morphia manrope nappier promine propane propine propone rampion emporia harmine harpoon heparin hormone ipomoea menorah meropia moorhen phonier poopier
ionomer moanier
moonier moraine pronaoi romaine
pompon happen mapper mopper pamper phenom preamp hamper hipper hopper morpho oompah impone mopane mopani
napper nappie nipper parpen
pepino pieman preman
rappen haemin harmin
menhir mopier orphan papier
homier hooper
primp happi hippo morph oomph ippon nappe appro
hemin impro moper paper phone phono piper prima prime primo proem promo remap ephor harem herma homer homie hoper ihram mahoe phare raphe amine amino amnio anime
pimp pomp hemp mope parp pepo perm perp phon pima pipa pipe poem poma
pome pomo poop pope popo pram prep prim prom prop ramp repp romp ahem epha haem hame harm harp heap hemi
amp app imp map mop pam pap pep pip pom pop ham hap hem hep him hip hom hop meh mho ohm pah peh phi pho poh man men mon nam nap nem
nim nip
hm am em ma me mi mo om op pa pe pi po ah eh ha he hi ho oh an en in na ne no on ae ai ar eo er io oe oi
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