autocrine is playable for 14 points
Unscramble AUTOCRINE
anuretic courante curation neurotic outrance unerotic actioner anoretic
creation reaction
auction caution centaur coenuri cornute counter courant curtain recount ruction trounce tunicae
uncrate aconite carotin ceratin
certain cointer
cortina creatin enactor noticer octrain
outrace tacrine erotica earnout outearn rainout routine ruinate taurine uranite urinate
anuric conure cornua
econut toucan tunica unciae uranic uronic acetin action acuter aeonic aircon
atonic canoer canter cantor carnet carnie carton cation centra citron coiner contra cornea cornet cortin coteau
craton cretin croute
cornu count cutin incur ounce runic tunic uncia unica
acorn actin acute antic auric cairn caner canoe canti
canto carne
cento conte cotan
court crane crone cruet curet curia curie curio cuter cutie enact eruct
unco acne cain cane cant carn cent cine cion coin cone coni
corn cran cron
cure curt cute ecru icon inca narc nice once uric acer acre acto
arco care cart cate
can con cru cue cur cut ecu ace act arc car cat cor cot eco ice oca orc rec roc tic nut run tun uan
uni urn ain ane ani ant eau eon ern ion
nu un an en in na ne no on ou ut ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe oi or re ta te ti to
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