betrothal is playable for 15 points
Unscramble BETROTHAL
blather brothel halbert betroth battler blatter bloater blotter bottler brattle retablo totable
abettor loather rathole taboret
herbal bather bertha bother breath albert battle boatel bolter boreal bottle labret lobate oblate tablet talbot batter bettor boater borate halter harlot lather loathe rebato thaler hatter hotter threat throat tother latter rattle rotate
abhor bathe berth bohea broth obeah rehab throb abler baler blare blate blear bleat bloat bolar boral botel ebola labor lobar roble table abort altho betta boart botte
haler haole helot horal hotel lathe loath
blah baht bath beth both brah herb able bale belt blae blat blet blot bola bole bolt lobe abet bare bate bato
batt bear beat beta boar boat boer bora bore bort bota bott brae
bah hob alb bal bel lab lob arb bae bar bat bet boa bot bra bro lah oba obe orb reb rob tab eth hae hao hat her het hoe hot rah rho the tho
ab ba be bo ah eh ha he ho oh al el la lo ae ar at eo er et oe or re ta te to
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