bighearted is playable for 18 points
breathed debitage gathered heritage rebaited
bedight bighead bighted
herbage abridge berthed birthed breadth brigade dirtbag habited rebadge breathe girthed hagride hedgier
righted beadier beardie berated debater rebated redbait tabered
tribade airthed
diether earthed headier headtie
hearted triaged
bright badger barged bathed begird behead bridge garbed herbed barege bargee bather begirt bergie bertha breath dreigh
driegh hedger hedgie abider airbed
aright baited bardee
bardie beader betide bredie debate gather hegari hegira adhere agreed
bigha bight badge begad debag gibed baith
barge bathe begat beget beige berth birth brith
dight giber grebe habit hedge rehab thebe abide ardeb barde
bared bated beard beedi bider
bidet braid bread brede breed
bagh baht bath berg beth bhai
biga brag brah brig garb gibe grab herb hiba
abed argh bade bard bead bide bird brad bred darb debt drab drib ghat ghee abet abri aged ahed
bag bah beg big gab gib bad bed bid dab deb dib gah ghi hag arb bae bar bat bee bet bit bra dag dah dig edh gad ged gid had hed hid reb rib
ab ba be bi ag ah eh gi ha he hi ad da de ed id ae ai ar at ee er et it re ta te ti
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