biotherapy is playable for 20 points
biotype biparty
potherb probity typebar atrophy breathy therapy bearpit
probate bothria phorate topiary
bypath barhop phobia brothy ephyra trophy peroba
probie probit baryte bather bertha betray bother bothie breath ephori
ophite parity poetry pother pyrite teapoy tepary tephra teraph thorpe threap typier
earthy hearty theory airpot
baiter barite
bothy harpy herby hyper pithy probe rebop abhor apery atopy baith
barye bathe berth birth bohea borty
boyar brith
broth ephor habit hoper obeah party payer payor peaty phare piety raphe rehab repay ropey
hype hypo prob abye baht bath beth bhai
both brah bray byre byte epha harp heap herb herp hiba
hope obey opah orby path paty
phat phot pith pity pray prey pyre pyro ropy toby
hyp bap bop aby bah bay bey boy bye hap hep hip hob hop pah pay peh phi pho pht poh pry pya pye yap yep yip yob hay hey hoy thy yah yeh ape
by ab ba be bi bo op pa pe pi po ah ay eh ha he hi ho oh oy ya ye yi yo ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe oi
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