blabbermouth is playable for 28 points
bathrobe belabour emulator
abubble blubber bubbler bumbler babbler blabber bomblet brabble bramble bumboat humbler hobbler barbule boerbul
mutable tumbler tumbrel belabor humeral humoral lambert outbeam
tambour temblor armhole blather bromate brothel halbert mouther thermal morulae moulter rubeola teraohm
bubble bumble babble bobble humble bobber bomber hobble mobber rhumba bauble brumal bubale bulbar burble hombre labrum lubber lumbar lumber rubble rumble tumble umbral ambler barbel barbut blamer bromal burbot lamber
lobber marble merbau
bubba bombe hubba
rhumb thumb abmho abohm album babul blume blurb bubal rhomb umbel amble babel blame brume haulm rumba umber umbra abbot almeh amber barbe
bream brome butoh embar hamel
hemal holme humor mohel
bomb blub bulb babu balm blab blam bleb blob bubo buhl burb lamb umbo abbe ambo babe bahu barb barm beam bema berm bhut
blah boab
boba boma buhr habu
halm helm holm mabe
bub bum bam bob ebb hub hum mob bah ham hem hob hom lum meh mho ohm alb amu bal bel bur but elm emu lab lam lob mel mol mut olm rub rum tub
hm mu um ab am ba be bo em ma me mo om uh ah eh ha he ho oh al el la lo ou ut ae ar at eo er et oe or re
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