blepharitis is playable for 20 points
phlebitis earthslip
epiblast partible pitiable bearpits
blathers blithers earlship
halberts haplites
harelips philters philtres plashier
triphase biserial blastier
librates pilaster plaister plaiters reptilia sibilate tabliers
trilbies parities hairiest lairiest listeria
phablet baptise bearpit
blather blither halbert haplite
harelip herbals hirable hirples labrish philter philtra philtre plasher
spheral airship apeshit bashert bathers bearish berthas bhistie
breaths harpies harpist hipster pithier sephira sharpie tephras threaps
pibals alephs blithe habile herbal hirple palish phials ralphs spilth basher bather bathes bertha berths births breath habits parish perish phaser phrase pisher raphes raphis
rehabs reship seraph shabti
shaper sherpa spathe tephra teraph threap
blips pibal plebs aleph blahs helps phial plash ralph shlep aphis apish bahts baith
bathe baths berth beths
birth brash brith
ephas habit harps heaps herbs herps hibas
paths phare phase piths raphe rehab
blip pleb baps blah help baht bash bath beth bhai
bish brah epha haps harp hasp heap heps herb herp hiba
hips pash path pehs
phat phis pish pith ship able albs alps bail bale
bap bah hap hep hip pah peh phi pht alb alp bal bel lab lap lib lip pal abs ape apt arb asp bae bar bas bat bet bis bit bra lah par pas pat
ab ba be bi pa pe pi ah eh ha he hi sh al el la li ae ai ar as at er es et is it re si ta te ti
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