blueschist is playable for 20 points
schlubs butches bitches blueish blushes bushels bustics
cubists cultish subsect bisects bushies chisels cuishes schuits
tusches bustles luetics
sluices sublets subtile busiest cutises
hustles ictuses lushest sleuths subsite
hitless stushie
tehsils tushies
schlub bluish bushel bustic cubist cubits shlubs bisect blithe bushes bushie chiels chiles chisel chutes cushes liches lichts
tuchis tusche bishes
bluest bluets bustle butles
chests culets ethics itches luetic schist sluice stichs sublet
belch butch chubs bitch chibs clubs blush buhls
cubes cubit schul shlub bhuts
bices chiel chile chute cuish letch licht teuch
blues bluet built butle chess chest chits clues culet culti
cults ethic lubes
chub chib club buhl cube cubs bhut
bice bush hubs huic
lech lich such beth bish bleu
blue chis chit clue cult echt etch ichs itch lube luce sich slub tech tich bels belt bile
cub hub chi hic ich tch bel bus but cel cue cut ecu lib sub tub bet bis bit cis hue hui hut ice sec sib sic suh tic eth hes
het hie his hit
be bi uh eh he hi sh el li us ut es et is it si te ti
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