bruschetta is playable for 19 points
butchers batchers
brachets subtract turbeths
chatters ratchets abutters
butcher butches cherubs batcher
batches braches brachet becrust
subrace tarbush
turbeth archest bashert bathers berthas breaths chaster chatter rachets ratches ratchet stretch abutter acutest arbutes
butters curates curtate curtest cutters scutate
cherub baches
betcha brachs
breach cubers rubace
braces bracts busher cabers chutes cushat ruches
tusche arches basher bather bathes bertha berths breath chares charts chaser chaste cheats cherts eschar rachet rehabs sachet scathe search
butch chubs batch beach brach cuber cubes curbs scrub scuba ubacs acerb bahus bhuts
brace bract brush buhrs
caber carbs chute crabs crush ruche sauch
shrub subah teuch
aches bahts bathe baths berth beths
chub bach cube cubs curb ubac bahu bhut
buhr bush cabs carb crab habu
hubs scab such ache arch baht bash bath beth brah cash char chat each echt etch herb tach tech abut beau
cub cab hub ach bah cha hac tch bur bus but cru cue cur cut ecu rub sub tub urb
abs ace act arb arc bae bar bas bat bet bra car cat hue hut
ab ba be uh ah eh ha he sh us ut ae ar as at er es et re ta te
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