cartographer is playable for 22 points
cataphor parachor
reproach caproate parroter arrogate garroter
chapter patcher poacher repatch charger gotcher
tchagra carport peacoat
porrect cartage catarrh charter parerga
phorate portage potager rechart trachea trochar creator praetor prorate ratrace
reactor garrote aerator
apache carhop cheapo coprah
eparch hepcat preach charge gopher gotcha capote captor carper carpet cartop copter preact toecap archer chaeta charro chorea grocer groper harper hector ochrea
orache parget potage pother rachet ragtop raphae rochet
chape chapt cheap epoch pacha parch patch peach perch poach porch potch graph phage apace caper capot carpe
coapt coper copra crape crept epact pacer recap achar agape cager cargo chaat chare charr chart
caph chap chop pech cape capo carp cope crap crop paca pace pact ache arch cage char chat crag each echo echt epha etch gape gorp hapa harp heap herp hope oche opah page path
cap cep cop pac pec ach cha cog gap hac hap hep hoc
hop och pah peg peh pho pht poh tch gah hag hog ace act ape apt arc car cat cor cot eco
op pa pe po ag ah eh go ha he ho oh aa ae ar at eo er et oe or re ta te to
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