cartwheel is playable for 18 points
Unscramble CARTWHEEL
welcher rewatch watcher chelate leacher
cheater hectare recheat reteach teacher weather whateer
whereat wreathe treacle haltere leather
lechwe chawer
chewer rechew wretch clawer
crewel chalet chelae lecher thecal wealth whaler etcher rachet thawer
thecae wether wreath alerce cartel cereal claret rectal relace tercel welter cerate cetera
create ecarte halter healer lather thaler
welch crwth watch wecht crawl chela larch latch leach leech letch whale wheal wheel chare chart cheat cheer chert hewer ratch reach retch tache teach theca thraw
threw whare wheat where wrath carle clart
chaw chew claw clew chal
craw crew lech ache arch char chat each eche echt etch hawt tach tech thaw thew what whee whet alec carl celt lace talc wale weal weel welt acer acre
caw ach cha hac haw hew tch wah wha awl cel lac law ace act arc awe car cat cee ewe lah raw rec taw tew twa wae war wat wee wet eth hae hat
aw ew we ah eh ha he al el la ae ar at ee er et re ta te
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