cataphoresis is playable for 20 points
apothecia cataphors
chapiters chaprasis
chassepot hepaticas parchesis
pastiches pistaches
postcrash postiches
airspaces caproates operatics piscators practises aphorises aphorists archaises
archaists atrophias
atrophies catharses catharsis chastiser ostriches prothesis storeship theriacas aspirates associate caritases
aphasics aspheric atrophic cataphor chapatis chapiter chaprasi chapters charpais
chipsets haircaps
hepatica hepatics hospices isopachs
parchesi pastiche patchers patchier phoretic phreatic pistache
pitchers poachers poachier
postiche potiches
seraphic shoepacs spherics strophic airscape airspace aporetic apricots
aphasic aphetic aphotic carhops ceriphs chapati chapter charpai
cheapos chipset ciphers coprahs
eparchs haircap
hepatic hepcats hospice isopach parches patcher patches photics pitcher pitches poacher poaches porches potiche repatch scarphs
shoepac spathic spheric trophic
apache carhop ceriph chaaps
cheapo cheaps chirps cipher coprah
eparch epochs haptic hepcat orphic pachas
phasic phatic photic preach scarph
apices aspect aspics atopic capers capias capita capote capots
capris captor carpet cartop coapts
chape chaps chapt cheap chips chirp chops epoch pacha parch patch peach pechs
perch pitch poach porch potch apace aspic caper capes capos capot capri carpe
carpi carps coapt coper copes copra copse
caph chap chip chop pech cape capo caps carp ceps cope cops crap crop epic paca pace pacs pact pecs pica pice pics scop spec ache arch cash chai char chat chia chis chit choi
cap cep cop pac pec pic ach cha chi hac hap hep hic hip hoc
hop ich och pah peh phi pho pht poh tch ace act ape apt arc asp car cat cis cor
op pa pe pi po ah eh ha he hi ho oh sh aa ae ai ar as at eo er es et io is it oe oi or os re si so ta te
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