certainly is playable for 16 points
Unscramble CERTAINLY
literacy clarinet interlay
anticly larceny latency clarity clayier cyanite nectary treacly carline central article ceratin
certain creatin inertly inlayer nailery recital riantly tacrine irately reality tearily latrine ratline reliant retinal trenail
nicely acetyl cairny
carney clarty nicety racily cantle carlin catlin
cental client inlace lancer lancet lectin lentic tincal acetin atelic canter carnet carnie cartel centra citral claret cretin eclair enatic lacier larney
lenity litany nearly
canty carny clary lacey lycea
lycra lyric lytic talcy yince
clean cline clint lance linac actin antic cairn caner canti
carle carne
clair clart clear cleat crane eclat enact ictal ileac inlay lacer licet
acyl clay cyan lacy city clan racy acne alec cain cane cant carl carn ceil celt cent cine cirl cran inca inly lace laic lice liny narc nice talc acer acre aryl ayin care cart
cay cry icy can cel lac ace act any arc car cat ice lay ley lye nay rec tic yen yin aye lin nil ray rya rye try tye yar yea yer yet ail ain
ay ya ye yi al an el en in la li na ne ae ai ar at er et it re ta te ti
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