chanticleer is playable for 21 points
catchline technical chelicera centrical heretical interlace
clincher elenchic
atechnic catechin chancier chicaner hectical
canceler canticle catchier clarence elenctic encircle licencer
acentric calcrete celeriac chatline electric ethnical reaccent
echinate leachier
aetheric careline clarinet hetaeric
reliance centiare creatine increate iterance leathern etherial
chancel caleche caliche canthic
chalice chancer chancre chicane technic calcine catcher cenacle licence calcite centric charnel circlet creance eccrine elenchi
accrete alethic archine chanter charlie chelate cithern cithren
ethical leacher
tranche carline centile
clench clinch chance chicle cliche cranch cachet cancel chicer cratch creche hectic accent cancer cantic
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circle cleric lactic lichen acetic achene archil arctic canthi chaine chalet chelae chenar
chinar chiral chital
cinch clach
cache catch cecal cacti cerci ceric chain chant chela chiel chile china chine circa craic hance hence laich
larch latch leach leech letch licht natch niche ranch recce tench aitch chair chare chart
chic ceca chal
chin inch lech lich nach
ache arch chai char chat chia chit clan each eche echt etch itch rich tach tech tich acne alec cain cane cant carl carn ceil celt cent
ach cha chi hac hic ich tch can cel lac ace act arc car cat cee hen hin ice lah nah nth rec tic ahi eth hae hai hat her het hie hit lin nil
ah eh ha he hi al an el en in la li na ne ae ai ar at ee er et it re ta te ti
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