charcuterie is playable for 20 points
catchier cruciate aetheric chertier
creature ureteric urethrae earthier heartier
catechu currach catcher accrete haircut charier charter cheater erethic etheric hectare heretic reacher rechart recheat reteach teacher techier theriac eucrite recruit traceur caterer cirrate erratic hurtier reciter recrate
retrace terrace urethra tearier
crutch cachet chicer cratch creche hectic accrue erucic acetic arctic cretic euchre ricrac
achier archer cahier chirre cither etcher rachet richer techie thecae thrice acuter cratur curare curari curate curiae curite currie curter uratic uretic
curch cutch cache catch cueca
cacti cerci ceric chiru churr chute circa craic recce ruche teuch
aitch chair chare charr chart cheat cheer chert chirr ethic ratch reach retch riche tache tachi
teach theca acute
chic ceca huic
ache arch chai char chat chia chit each eche echt etch itch rich tach tech tich cure curr curt cute ecru uric acer acre care carr cart cate cere cete cire cite
ach cha chi hac hic ich tch cru cue cur cut ecu ace act arc car cat cee hue hui hut ice rec tic ahi eth hae hai hat her het hie hit rah the
uh ah eh ha he hi ut ae ai ar at ee er et it re ta te ti
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