charioteer is playable for 15 points
aetheric chertier
rhetoric torchere
torchier earthier heartier
achiote charier chariot charter cheater cheerio coherer erethic etheric haricot hectare heretic ochreae reacher rechart recheat reteach teacher techier theriac trochar trochee caterer cirrate coterie creator erector erotica erratic ocreate reactor reciter recrate
retrace terrace
achier archer cahier charro cheero
chirre chorea cither coheir cohere echoer etcher hector heroic ochrea
orache rachet reecho rhotic richer rochet rotche techie thecae thoric thrice tocher troche aortic career carrot carter cerate cerite cetera
aitch chair chare charr chart cheat cheer chert chiao
chiro chirr choir chore chota ethic ichor ocher ochre orach ratch reach retch riche roach roche rotch tache tachi
tacho teach theca torch actor areic artic
ache arch chai char chat chia chit choi
each eche echo echt etch itch oche rich tach tech tich acer acre acto
arco care carr cart cate cere cero cete ciao cire cite coat coir
ach cha chi hac hic hoc
ich och tch ace act arc car cat cee cor cot eco ice oca orc rec roc tic ahi eth hae hai hao hat her het hie hit hoe
ah eh ha he hi ho oh ae ai ar at ee eo er et io it oe oi or re ta te ti to
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