chemotaxis is playable for 25 points
toxaemic cathexis toxemias hematics
misteach moschate
tachisme achiotes
toxemic coexist exotica exotics exotism
toxemia chamise chamiso chamois chemist echoism
hematic matches mitches stomach tachism atomics comates
osmatic sematic somatic achiest achiote aitches atheism homiest isotach amosite atomies atomise
axioms coaxes ecotax exacts exotic mastix
oximes toxics hoaxes chemos chiasm chimes cometh haemic maches
machos miches
mochas sachem samech
schema schmoe simcha
taxies amices
atomic cameos camise comate comets mascot mastic
cimex comix axiom coxae coxes exact exams maxes maxis mixes moxas moxie oxime oxims
sixmo toxic sixth chams chasm chemo chime hemic mache macho machs
match miche misch
mitch mocha ohmic schmo axite
exist exits
amex coax coxa exam maxi mixt moxa oxic oxim
hoax cham mach axes axis exit oxes saxe
sext taxi acme came cami camo cams coma come emic mace macs mica mice mics mocs scam ache
cox max mix hex axe sax sex six sox tax xes
xis cam mac mic moc ach cha chi hac ham hem hic him hoc
hom ich meh mho och ohm tch ace act aim
ax ex ox xi hm am em ma me mi mo om ah eh ha he hi ho oh sh ae ai as at eo es et io is it oe oi os si so
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