chemtrail is playable for 18 points
Unscramble CHEMTRAIL
chameli chimera hematic matcher rematch thermic claimer climate metical miracle reclaim alethic charlie ethical thermal trachle
theriac article maltier marlite recital lathier
chimar chimer haemic macher calmer camlet maleic malice marcel archil chalet chiral chital
hamlet heliac hiemal metric thecal achier cahier cither hermai
hermit mither rachet thairm
thiram thrice armlet atelic cartel citral claret eclair
milch charm chime chirm hemic mache march match merch miche mirch
mitch camel claim clime macle malic melic almeh amice chela chiel chile cream crema crime hamel
hemal laich
larch latch leach letch licht macer
cham mach calm clam acme came cami chal
cram crim emic halm helm lech lich mace marc mica mice ache ahem arch chai char chat chia chit each echt etch haem hame harm hemi herm
cam mac mic ach cha chi hac ham hem hic him ich meh tch cel elm lac lam mel mil ace act aim ami arc arm car cat ice lah mae mai mar mat mea
hm am em ma me mi ah eh ha he hi al el la li ae ai ar at er et it re ta te ti
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