chloramine is playable for 20 points
inchmeal chairmen choirman choirmen choreman
harmonic nichrome omniarch
amelcorn cornmeal chlorine heroical acrolein colinear lonicera
chameli machine marchen mochila monarch nomarch chimera cnemial coalmen limacon malonic melanic carmine chalone charnel chlorin choline claimer encomia helicon incomer manhole minorca miracle reclaim romance archine armhole charlie cholera chorale choreal chorial
chorine coremia
chemin chimla
manche chimar chimer chroma chrome haemic macher morcha anemic anomic calmer camion carmen cinema clamor cormel crimen iceman income lichen lochan macron maleic malice manioc marcel micron mincer anchor archil archon chaine
milch charm chemo chime chirm hemic mache macho march merch miche mirch
mocha ohmic amnic
camel celom claim clime comal
macle macon malic manic melic mince monic almeh amice ancho cameo carom chain chela chiel
cham mach calm clam acme came cami camo chal
chin chon coma come corm cram crim emic halm helm holm inch lech lich loch mace marc mica mice nach
ache ahem arch chai char chia
cam mac mic moc ach cha chi hac ham hem hic him hoc
hom ich meh mho och ohm can cel col con elm lac lam man mel men mil mol mon nam nem
hm am em ma me mi mo om ah eh ha he hi ho oh al an el en in la li lo na ne no on ae ai ar eo er io oe oi
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