chlorinate is playable for 17 points
chelation enchorial anchorite antechoir lionheart
chatline chlorine ethnical acrolith anchoret anorthic chelator chlorate chlorite clothier ethanoic heroical inchoate notchier trochlea acrolein cilantro clarinet colinear contrail lonicera noetical actioner anoretic
creation erotical horntail loricate reaction aerolith antihero oriental relation
chalone charnel chlorin cholent choline helicon alethic archine chanter chantor charlie cholate cholera chorale choreal chorial
chorine chorten
chortle cithern cithren
ethical notcher
tranche trochal trochil achiote carline central chariot clarion corneal haricot
lichen lochan anchor archil archon canthi chaine chalet chalot
chinar chiral chital
chiton choler choral clothe enrich ethnic heliac inarch lochia nicher
orchil rancho richen techno thecal trench achier alnico cahier cantle carlin catlin
ancho chain chant chela chiel chile china chine chino choil choli cloth hance laich
larch latch leach letch licht loach nacho natch niche notch ranch tench aitch chair chare chart cheat chert chiao
chiro choir
chin chon inch lech lich loch nach
ache arch chai char chat chia chit choi
clan clon
each echo echt etch itch oche rich tach tech tich acne alec cain calo
cane cant carl
ach cha chi hac hic hoc
ich och tch can cel col con lac ace act arc car cat cor cot eco hen hin hon ice lah nah noh nth oca orc rec roc tic
ah eh ha he hi ho oh al an el en in la li lo na ne no on ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe oi or re ta te ti
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