cholesteric is playable for 20 points
cerecloth ricochets electrics sclerotic scolecite chlorites clothiers reclothes helotries hoteliers
choleric choicest crochets crotches ecorches
ricochet circlets electric ceorlish
chiseler chlorite chortles cicorees
clothier coerects
cortices reclothe schliere
cheerios chestier heretics trochees cloister coistrel corselet cortiles costlier creolise electors electros reticles sclerite selector tiercels
chloric cliches cloches chicest choicer choices choreic cochere
creches crochet ecorche hectics screech circles circlet clerics cerotic cholers chortle ciceros cicoree
clothes coerces coerect
coltish cretics
helices lechers letches lichees orchils orectic trochil cheerio
chicle cholic cliche cloche chicer chicos
choice choric creche crotch echoic hectic scorch scotch circle clercs
cleric colics cercis chiels chiles chisel choils choler cholis cicero clothe cloths coerce cretic lecher leches lichee liches lichts
chico chics cotch colic cerci ceric ceroc
chiel chile choil choli circs cisco cloth cosec croci crocs leech letch licht lochs recce secco cheer chert chest chiro chits choir chore chose eches echos ethic ichor
chic croc lech lich loch chis chit choi
cosh eche echo echt etch ichs itch oche rich sich tech tich ceil cels celt cirl clot coil cole coli
cols colt lice loci cees cere cero
chi hic hoc
ich och tch cel col cee cis cor cos cot eco ice orc rec roc sec sic soc tic eth her hes
het hie his hit hoe hoi hos hot ohs rho
eh he hi ho oh sh el li lo ee eo er es et io is it oe oi or os re si so te ti to
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