chromatolysis is playable for 24 points
hailstorms osmolarity
homolytic chatrooms chrysalis homolysis lathyrism masochist starchily classroom colorisms miscolors
yahooisms acroliths acrotisms
asystolic chlorosis hailstorm mailshots ostracism royalisms scholiast colorists cortisols
moralists lotharios royalists isolators
chromyls mythical arythmic
chymists stomachy chrismal mochilas
mystical chamisos charisms chartism chatroom choosily chrisoms costmary cramoisy smoothly stomachs tachisms
colorism locoisms
miscolor rhymists scolioma
yahooism acrolith acrotism crystals cytosols mailshot massicot molarity morality
chlamys chromyl chymist smoochy tychism
mochila molochs chamiso chamois charily charism chiasms chimars
chrisms chrisom chromas chromos clayish morchas mycosis myotics myricas
mystics schmoos
stomach tachism thymols charity choisya
christy clamors comital
chasmy mythic thymic amylic chimla
moloch archly charms chasms chiasm chimar chirms chrism chroma chromo comity cymars homily machos mochas morcha myotic myrica mystic richly schism schmos simcha
smirch smitch
smooch thymol choosy
milch chams charm chasm chirm choom
cymar cymas macho machs
march match mirch
mitch mocha mooch ohmic schmo calms chary chays
claim clams comal
itchy malic mashy mothy mythi
myths ochry thymi yacht
cham cyma mach achy calm chay clam homy myth acyl amyl cami camo cams chal
clay cloy coly coma corm cram crim halm holm lacy lich limy loch macs marc mica mics mocs moly scam
cam mac mic moc ach cay cha chi coy cry hac ham hic him hoc
hom ich icy may mho och ohm tch yam yom col hay hoy lac lam mil mol olm shy thy
hm my am ma mi mo om ah ay ha hi ho oh oy sh ya yi yo al la li lo ai ar as at io is it oi oo or os si so
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