clipsheet is playable for 18 points
Unscramble CLIPSHEET
chipset pitches eclipse helices letches lichees techies epistle pelites
sectile sheitel sheltie
schlep cheeps peches
speech clepes splice chiels chiles chisel leches lichee liches lichts
pieces septic specie spilth etches ethics itches seiche techie tiches elects pelite pestle select siecle stelic
stipel lethes
tehsil elites listee
cheep chips pechs
pitch clepe clept clips clipt cepes chiel chile epics helps leech letch licht piece sepic shlep spect spice chest chits eches ethic piths sheep stich techs thesp ceils celts elect licet
chip pech clip cepe ceps epic help lech lich pecs pice pics spec chis chit eche echt etch heps hips ichs itch pehs
phis pish pith ship sich tech tich ceil cels celt lept lice
cep pec pic chi hep hic hip ich peh phi pht tch cel lip cee cis ice pee pes pet pie pis pit psi sec sic sip tic tip eth hes
het hie his hit
pe pi eh he hi sh el li ee es et is it si te ti
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