clotheshorse is playable for 20 points
reclothes reschools
schoolers rechooses
corselets horseshoe selectors creosotes hostelers
cohoshes hootches chortles echoless reclothe reschool
schooler cheroots choosers rechoose soroches
trochees colessor coreless corselet corslets costrels creosols
crosslet electors electros hotshoes
sclerose selector threshes creosote holsters hosteler hostlers scooters shelters orthoses reshoots sheroots
hooches hotches
shochet cholers chortle clothes coolths
lechers letches schools schorls cheeros
cheroot chooser chooses coheres cohorts cohosts coshers
echoers etchers hectors rechose retches rochets
rotches soroche tochers torches trochee troches
closers closest closets colters
cohosh hootch choler cholos
clothe cloths coolth lecher leches school schorl cheero
cheers cherts chests choose chores choses
cohere cohoes cohort cohost cosher coshes creesh
echoer echoes etcher etches hector ochers ochres reecho rochet
cheth hooch hotch cloth leech letch lochs cheer chert chess chest chore chose cohoe cohos eches echos ocher oches
ochre retch roche rotch techs torch celts ceorl cloot
close clots coles color colts cools creel
lech loch coho cosh eche echo echt etch oche tech cels celt clot cole cols colt cool hehs
heth hoho
loco cees cere cero cess cete coos coot core coss cost cote cots heel helo
och tch cel col heh shh cee coo cor cos cot eco orc rec roc sec soc eth her hes
het hoe hos hot oho ohs ooh rho she sho soh the tho eel
eh he ho oh sh el lo ee eo er es et oe oo or os re so te to
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