coldhearted is playable for 19 points
reclothed tracheole trochleae
decorated relocated leotarded
chelated chortled coheaded
detached hardcode
chelator chlorate chordate declared detacher hectored reclothe tochered
trochlea coleader
decretal heralded recoaled
redacted corelate
decorate dehorted haltered lathered ratholed recoated relocate threaded reloaded treadled
cheddar chordal chorded clothed latched leached letched cathode charted cheated chelate cholate cholera chorale choreal chortle cladode coddler cohered cradled derecho leacher
reached retched roached torched trachle
trochal caroled cheater cleared cleated creedal declare
leched arched chador chalet chalot
chared cheder chelae choler choral chored clothe coddle cohead
detach echard echoed etched lecher ochred teched thecal carded cheero
chorea coaled codder cohere colder colead
corded cradle credal daledh
ached adhoc
chard chela chord cloth deoch
larch latch leach leech letch loach acold ceded chare chart cheat cheer chert chore chota clade coded coled
decad decal dolce laced ocher ochre orach ratch reach
chad chal
lech loch ache arch char chat clad clod cold each eche echo echt etch oche tach tech aced alec cade calo
card carl cede celt clot coal coda code coed cola cole colt
ach cha hac hoc
och tch cad cel cod col doc lac ace act arc car cat cee cor cot dah doh eco edh had hed hod lah oca orc rec roc add dad dal
ah eh ha he ho oh ad al da de do ed el la lo od ae ar at ee eo er et oe or re ta te to
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