collectivism is playable for 27 points
cosmetic collects scilicet comities semiotic listicle melilots
motivic vicomte victims cimices cometic smectic collect micells
mislive cilices
clitics colitic costive icicles motives telomic
meiotic miotics miscite somitic villose vitelli
cellist collets
collies melilot millets mollies silicle violets violist citoles colitis
civics civism victim comics cosmic clevis cloves micell
celoms cilice civets civies climes clitic colics covets evicts icicle motive movies voices vomits comets metics miotic sitcom cellos collet collie livest milles
millet mollie ocelli
civic comic civil clove molvi
celom civet civie
clime colic coves covet evict melic moves movie vices voces
voice vomit cisco comes comet comte cosec ictic mesic metic osmic secco villi vills celli cello cells
cove move vice vici vims voce
come emic mice mics mocs vill cell cill evil levo levs live love mell mill moll veil vile viol vlei vole volt ceil cels celt clot coil cole coli
vim mic moc lev cel col elm mel mil mol olm sev
vet vie vis voe cis cos cot eco emo ems ice ism met mis moi mos mot oms sec sic sim soc som
em me mi mo om el li lo eo es et io is it oe oi os si so te ti to
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