comparable is playable for 23 points
capabler albacore
capable cembalo clamber clamper placebo problem compare macaber
macabre cameral caporal caramel carpale ceramal crapola parable pleroma rampole
ropable acerola
mobcap aplomb becalm compel copalm camber camper comber comper crambe crambo pomace recomb ambler ampler blamer bromal calmer carpal carpel clamor corbel cormel lamber
lamper mabela marble marcel palace palmar palmer parcel placer ramble amoeba
clamp clomb clomp abamp becap
campo combe cramp mocap pombe
amble ample blame cabal cable camel celom coble comal
copal macle maple place abeam aboma acerb amber ameba apace brace bream brome caber cameo caper
camp comb comp balm blam bloc calm clam clap clop lamb lamp palm pleb acme ambo bama barm beam bema berm boma cama came camo cape capo carb carp coma come cope corm crab cram
amp bam bap bop cab cam cap cep cob cop mac map mob moc mop pac pam pec pom alb alp bal bel cel col elm lab lac lam lap lob lop mel mol olm
ab am ba be bo em ma me mo om op pa pe po al el la lo aa ae ar eo er oe or re
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