comprehend is playable for 23 points
chomped chomper compend chromed compeer compere morphed penoche
perched phoneme porched
herdmen precode
proceed cohered derecho homered ochered
rehomed encoder encored moderne
comped comper hempen peched
phenom chrome ponced creped
crepon deperm
drench hodmen permed phoned premed premen
romped cheder chored echoed ochred cheero
cohere corned decern depone echoer encode mender modern normed omened opened ponder redmen
chomp cheep chemo epoch merch morph perch porch coped copen
moped pence ponce chord comer coper creep creme crepe deoch
ephod hence homed hoped moper phone proem cheer chore coden
coned demon emend ephor
comp chop hemp pech cepe chon come cope corm crop meep mope perm phon poem pome prom romp eche echo heme herm herp home hope mend oche pend pond cede code coed cone cord corn
cep cop moc mop pec pom hem hep hoc
hom hop meh mho och ohm peh pho poh cod con doc dom dop med men mod mon nem
nom ped pen pod cee cor doh
hm em me mo om op pe po eh he ho oh de do ed en ne no od on ee eo er oe or re
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