congregation is playable for 21 points
congregant oceangoing cartooning coronating
cantering cartoning
cognation contagion ignorance ontogenic recanting gigatonne gorgonian intergang
recoating container crenation goitrogen gorgoneia nonerotic enrooting ratooning
congaing encaging canoeing centring contango crannoge
crooning enacting encoring recaning
trancing agenting angering argentic catering creating enraging gerontic granting groaning negating orogenic reacting tangoing conation enaction garoting
nonactor actioner anoretic
coronate creation ignorant negation negatron
eggcorn gracing canting corning craning crannog croning
georgic acrogen anergic carting coagent coating cognate coinage coreign
cotinga crating octagon ongoing organic ranging tanging tonging tracing actinon ancient argotic
cannier cigaret connate connote contain ergotic gearing
caging agogic caning coning acting agonic arcing caring cering cogent coigne conger cooing coring coting cringe garcon incage noggin racing ageing ancien
ancone cagier canine canner cannie
cannot canton cogito
conine conner encina gaeing
acing cogon coign conga conge genic incog aging ancon cager canon cargo cigar conin
corgi going grace nance nonce orgic
acorn actin agger aggie aggro agogo antic cairn caner canoe canti
canto carne
cento conte
cage conn crag gang gong nogg
acne agog cain cane cant carn cent cine cion coin cone coni
corn cran cron
gage giga gogo
grig grog icon inca narc nice nong once ragg tegg
cig cog can con egg gag gig igg ace act arc car cat coo cor cot eco eng gan gen gin ice nag nog oca orc rec roc tic age ago ego erg gae gar
ag gi go an en in na ne no on ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe oi oo or re ta te ti to
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