consternate is playable for 16 points
consenter cotenants cretonnes
entrances renascent resonance carotenes contester
canteens centners centones constant contents cotenant cretonne entrance onscreen acetones ancestor carotene centares contrast contrate cornetts enactors entracte
notecase reascent reenacts sarcenet transect trecento enterons
entrants neonates resonant setenant
entreats ratteens resonate restante
ancones canners canteen cantons centner connate conners consent content nascent scanner sonance acetone canters cantors careens carnets cartons caserne
cenotes centare centers centres cetanes coarsen contest contras corneas cornets cornett cratons crenate enactor encores narcose
ancone canner cannot canons canton conner nances nocent nonces acorns ascent caners canoer canoes canter cantor cantos careen carnet carton casern cenote censer censor centas center centos centra centre cetane contes
contra cornea cornet cotans
ancon canon conns nance nonce acnes acorn ascon caner canes canoe canst canto cants carne
cense cento cents cones conte corns cotan
crane crans crone crons
enact nacre narco narcs ocean octan oncer racon
conn acne cane cans cant carn cent cone cons corn cran cron
narc once scan acer aces acre acto
acts arco arcs care cars cart case cast cate cats cees cere cero cete coat core
can con ace act arc car cat cee cor cos cot eco oca orc rec roc sac sec soc nan non ane ant ens eon ern nae nee net nor nos not one ons ran
an en na ne no on ae ar as at ee eo er es et oe or os re so ta te to
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