consumptive is playable for 26 points
pivotmen computes pentomic
viscount miscount numpties unpoetic centimos nepotism pimentos ponciest counties poutines
compute pumices vicomte coempts
metopic unvoice centums
coniums consume novices pinetum pounces pouncet
spumoni vomitus centimo costive costume emptins entopic impetus impones
imputes incepts incomes inspect mesonic motives nepotic pectins peonism piceous pimento postmen
pumice coempt
compts centum conium covens covine
cumins mucins muonic neumic
novice pounce unicom
venoms cesium civets copens
coupes covets custom evicts impone impute incept income minces miscue miscut mispen
motive movies mucose
comps compt coven covin cumin mucin punim venom vicus vimen civet copen
coupe coups coves covet evict mince monic moves movie music opium pivot ponce puces spume stump tecum tumps umpie
vices voces
voice vomit
comp ovum coup cove cups cusp move puce scum scup spiv sump tump umps vice vims voce
ceps come cope cops emic epic imps mice mics mocs mope mops pecs pice pics poem pome poms
cup ump vim vip cep cop imp mic moc mop pec pic pom mun pun vin von con cue cut ecu emu imu men mon mus mut nem
nim nip nom pen pin piu pus
vu mu um up em me mi mo om op pe pi po nu un en in ne no on ou us ut eo es et io is it oe oi os si so te
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