countrywide is playable for 22 points
cornuted decurion eduction inductor reinduct trounced undertow centroid doctrine neurotic outcried reductio
unerotic routined
cutdown downcut
crowned decrown century cindery country crowdie crownet crudity conduit counted cowrite crunode inducer noctuid outwind rewound tyronic
unwired wintery coenuri cornute counter courted ctenoid deontic downier eductor noticed outdrew recount ruction tiedown
crowdy wincey winced county crowed decury wincer cowier
cowrie dioecy dowery induce induct nicety outcry uncord undrew weirdy winery wintry witney
cinder codein
coined conure corned docent downer econut nordic nudity rewind towery truced
cowry cowed crowd crown curdy downy uncoy
wince windy coney corny cower coyed crony cutey cyder cyton
decoy decry dicey dicty dowry dunce rowdy towny twice twiny
unwed winey wordy wound wyted yince
yonic yowed
cowy wynd cony crew crow dewy twoc winy city cory crud cued curd curn
docu douc down duce duci
duct nuoc
towy unci
unco undy
wend wind wiry wyte yeow yowe cedi cent cine cion
cow wyn coy cry cud icy wey wry wud wye yew yow cod con cru cue cur cut dew doc dow ecu new now own wed wen win won cor cot dey dry dun dye
ew ow we wo nu oy un ye yi yo de do ed en id in ne no od on ou ut eo er et io it oe oi or re te ti to
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