crosstie is playable for 11 points
Unscramble CROSSTIE
corsets cosiest costers cotises
erotics escorts scoters scrotes sectors restios
rosiest sorites sorties stories trioses
citers corses corset cosets cosier cosies cosset cossie coster cotise crests crises crosse erotic escort escots
rectos scores scoter scries scrote sector steric stoics trices osiers resist resits restio
restos rosets
sister sorest
cesti cires
cists citer cites coirs
cores corse coses
coset costs cotes cress crest cries crise
crits cross escot
recti recto rices scire
score scots sects sices stoic torcs toric trice osier resit
cero cess cire cist cite coir core coss cost cote cots crit etic ices orcs otic recs
rice rocs scot secs sect sice sics socs tics torc
eros erst ires ists
iter ores orts oses
cis cor cos cot eco ice orc rec roc sec sic soc tic ers ess ire ist its oer
oes ore ors
ort ose reo
res ret roe rot sei ser ses set sir sis
eo er es et io is it oe oi or os re si so te ti to
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